First Round Results

23 entries were received in the four days voting was open. Half of these did not have names, but nobody appeared to be entering many times in an attempt to boost their rating. I allowed all entries, but recorded them separately.
See the results sheet and ignore the incorrectly spelt names.

Click on the thumbnails of each car to see a larger picture.

Cordia 1
Cordia 2

Average: 6.50 / 10

Average: 5.20 / 10
Winner: Cordia 1, 19 votes to 4.

Most voters gave these two cars quite similar marks, since they are two of the most
alike cars in this contest.
The marks out of ten show that the contest was a little closer than the 19-4 result
suggests. Little things like the angles of the photos could probably affect results in a
matchup like this.

Cordia 1
Cordia 2

Average: 6.90 / 10

Average: 6.19 / 10
Winner: Cordia 1, 14 votes to 9

The controversial graphics on the bonnet of Cordia 1 weren't as controversial
as I expected. I thought this car would generate extreme marks (like 1/10 or 10/10)
but this was not the case. It scored slightly ahead of Cordia 2 in a close contest.

Cordia 1
Cordia 2

Average: 8.71 / 10 !!

Average: 5.81 / 10
Winner: Cordia 1, 21 votes to 2

"The IFLOOR Cordia" of Cristian Silva (car on the left) scored by far the
highest mark of any car.
Cordia 2, the losing car, scored higher than 5 other cars but still did not
come close against its tough opposition. The voter response to Cordia 1 here
shows the effort and attention to detail that have gone into this car.
It should prove difficult to beat.

Cordia 1
Cordia 2

Average: 6.29 / 10

Average: 4.67 / 10
Winner: Cordia 1, 19 votes to 4

A good result for Cordia 1, whose owner entered the car just out of interest
to see how far the car's bodykit would get it. Voters clearly approve, and
Cordia 1 has made it into round 2.

Cordia 1
Cordia 2

Average: 5.33 / 10

Average: 4.90 / 10
Winner: Cordia 2, 13 votes to 10!

Cordia 1 in this matchup proved a real love-it-or-hate-it styling statement.
The ratings it received ranged right from 1 to 10. When it won, it tended to
win comfortably, but most voters actually preferred Cordia 2 by a slim margin.
As a result, Cordia 2 won despite its average mark being lower!

Cordia 1
Cordia 2

Average: 4.81 / 10

Average: 6.52 / 10
Winner: Cordia 2, 14 votes to 9

The partially disassembled Cordia of Tim Donselaar (left) was always going to
have a tough time, being partially disassembled and all.
The mark it received showed voters could see its potential. Cordia 2 was the
winner, with its front bar generating responses that were slightly mixed but
positive overall.

Cordia 1
Cordia 2

Average: 6.27 / 10

Average: 6.91 / 10
Winner: Cordia 2, 15 votes to 8

The high amount of custom body modifications on Cordia 1 didn't give it the
win here. Like the blue rally-style Cordia above, it drew a range of different
marks indicating that some voters found it a bit over the top. Cordia 2 scored
more consistently.
Cordia 1 will also appear in the next round, because it was the highest-scoring
losing car in round 1.

Email me any complaints.

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