Semifinal (Third Round) Results

Less entries this time, although all but two were named. All the nameless voters got spooked.. The results were pretty clear, as you can see below.
See the results sheet for round 3.

Click on the thumbnails of each car to see a larger picture.

Cordia 1
Cordia 2

Average: 7.16 / 10

Average: 5.83 / 10
Winner: Cordia 1, 8 votes to 3

This matchup already occurred in the first round, but try telling that to the random
numbers that decide the pairings. Cordia 2 also lost in round 1 (8 to 15, scores 6.27 vs 6.91),
and this time the results were similar. At least people don't change their minds. ;)
Cordia 1 will be appearing in the final, and Cordia 2 will not make it through on
a technicality again.

Cordia 1
Cordia 2

Average: 5.67 / 10

Average: 7.25 / 10
Winner: Cordia 2, 10 votes to 2

How far can a bodykit and mags get Cordia 1? To the semifinals, where it drew the
IFLOOR Cordia. Cordia 2 triumphs over another opponent, although it scored its lowest
mark out of 10 so far. If you can call 7.25 low.
Well done to Dean Sawyer (Cordia 1) - assured of a place in the top 5 of the final list.
The IFLOOR Cordia goes through to the final - will its winning streak hold?

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